Heavenly Town Overview: South Lake Tahoe
An overview of the aprés ski scene in South Lake Tahoe, the town right at the bottom of Heavenly Mountain Resort. In addition to an extensive bar and restaurant scene, the town uniquely boasts beaches and casinos.
Mammoth Rock Avoidance Challenge: Dropout Chutes
Is it possible to get down Mammoth’s double-black Dropout Chutes during the peak season without hitting a single rock? Our ranker-in-chief Sam finds out.
A Run Down Alf's High Rustler, Alta's Marquee Expert Run
A run down the Alf's High Rustler trail at Alta, a demandingly steep run that requires lengthy traversing to reach. Access comes through one of two sketchy, thin-cover entries.
Jordanelle Trail: What the Bottom Half of Deer Valley’s Vertical Drop Is Really Like
A run down Jordanelle, an advanced-intermediate Deer Valley trail that stretches 1,380 feet down the resort's lower half. Starting at Little Baldy Peak, the run extends down to the resort's very bottom elevation at the Jordanelle Ticket Office.
Video Review: Squaw Valley
An in-depth video review of Squaw Valley Resort, a ski area located in Olympic Valley, California, near Lake Tahoe.
Idiot's Delight: A Run Down a Truly Extreme Alpine Meadows Chute
A run down Idiot's Delight at Alpine Meadows, starting with a mandatory drop-in off a cornice, filtering into a perilously tight couloir with no room for error, and leading into the Wolverine Bowl. This line takes a 2-5 minute hike to reach from the Summit chair.
The Snowbird Peruvian Tunnel Experience
A ride through Snowbird's Peruvian Tunnel magic carpet, an engineering marvel that considerably improved access from Peruvian Gulch to the Mineral Basin back side. As of today, this is the only ski tunnel lift in North America.
Copper Intermediate Bump Run: Little Burn
A run down Little Burn at Copper Mountain, an intermediate trail that seldom receives grooming. This run is a great place to practice bumps with little consequence—except potentially making a fool of yourself in front of lift riders.
Park City (Canyons) 9990 Run: 94 Turns to Moraine
A line down the expert Ninety-Nine 90 area on Park City's Canyons side, starting at 94 Turns, jumping into the woods and chutes to the left of that trail, and popping out on the lower half of Moraine.
Squaw Valley Silverado Run: Trail 90 to Billy's
A run down Squaw Valley’s expert Silverado area, starting at Trail 90 and filtering into Billy’s, just two days after it opened for the season.